AbOuT mE
Fun loving
Outdoor Person
Does Handicrafts
Minor in Video Editing
Trying Graphic Editing
Loves a good GAME
Enjoy making FRENs
FaVoUrItE lInKs
Kokoro Flash animation Gallery features a series of Flash short stories. There are very touching... The best thing is, they are DOWNLOADABLE!!!
Ninjai, The Little Ninja is our online action/adventure series. We invite you to join Ninjai on his exciting, enlightening and sometimes humorous journey as he travels throughout the Ancient World.
All Smallville Fans out there, this is the site for all of you... Devoted to Smallville site gives You the latest updates on the Smallville story and also is a Forum for you all to post your comments!!! One Site you all shouldn't miss out!!!
Sunday, September 04, 2005
Haiz… Sorry for the boring entry again… Got to get a Digital Camera soon… Taking pictures with my handphone is alright but I dun have a infra-red port anymore… So cannot upload…
So many things, so little time... "Mojave" 12:38 PM
Update on sch… Issued my competency crown on Tuesday, last bridge on Thursday… So by right I should have completed my schedule… (Except for the OHPs and blue book) Dr Chan mentioned to me about my crown competency, he said he would have failed me if I got more time for clinics. I expected that to come… So I was feeling very bad, pretty down that day although the crown was a perfect issue… Thursday bridge issue was ok also… Dr Willy Chang mah, can smoke smoke a bit. Got to patch up the margins abit but all was well. The problem was the crown for that patient… The margins not really nice… Tried means to burnish, shave with white stone and etc… Still can see a cement line after cementing… Think might have been my fault when the impression was taken and the way I prepared my die… Haiz… Still it was issued and hope the crown and bridge will be fine after the holidays. Got to psycho Karen to say ok and not to redo it..
Complain time!!! I missed my CSI on Tuesday coz we got the awards day and stayed back for the FYP thingy. This time is really fed up liao loh… Stay back late nevermind one… But already how many days was used to do that poster liao… Still make me miss my CSI… DAMN DULAN that night loh… Then some more got to still finish up the powerpoint they edited. I wonder why people don’t go put in effort to learn things they use everyday. As if I am born good in the things I know. It also took me ages to try and error, read BOOKS and manuals…
My video editing software that I know, I went to borrow book from library. So is my webpage designing software… MS Office, I tried and error so many time until I sian liao… I learn things that I dunnoe… Coz I believe nobody owes me anything. So when a problem arises, I must be the one to solve it. Depending on other people is so unreliable. One minute they say yes, then the next moment, they forgotten what the promised. I am not trying to show off that I am good to anyone by doing my own lab work and such… Frankly, I still think my labworks sucks compared to the lab technicians… I do because I know I can do it, I am taught to do it and I can control the quality of the end results, making treatment more predictable. Next time in my practice, I would also send my stuffs to the same lab so it’s predictable… In school, we have so many lab technicians all giving different standards of work. Hard to predict results. Furthermore, we are rushing for time. So everything should go well so to save time… Then there are people who send in all their lab work and still say no time to do other stuffs. WELL, HELLO… I din noe how to edit a video or make a webpage b4 I came into dentistry loh. I find time out of my busy schedule of doing my own lab work to learn loh… Can’t those guys find some time to learn how to use MICROSOFT POWERPOINT CORRECTLY??? See… Told you all I should have gone back to engineering… Webpage design and computer is a minor module they can take also… WTF…
Then my temper got a bit bad these weeks. Actually ignored Huemin that day because she said something to upset me… Well, I was really mad at other things liao… She just came in at the wrong time loh… But then again, maybe I just can’t handle her… She a bit too rebellious compared to my other sisters… Maybe I am not that suited to be her brother… =( I do care for her, concern and things like that, but… =( [Actually typed somethings here, but think I better delete them in case she gets mad at me]
Holidays liao… Time to get down to business… Got to plan my study time-table… Only got very few days left b4 the Finals… Haiz… Frankly, I dun have the mood to study… I really just want to enjoy the holiday and do nothing loh… But I can’t… Haiz… Ok, shall start on MONDAY… Give myself 2 days holiday first… Shall do whatever I wan and wait till Sunday night then say…
Angela and Libeng went over to Malacca liao. Dun know whether Jingli got go or not. Coz something happen at home, so I think he might not go… Hope we win some cash, so at least I can get something to cover my `brokenness’… Actually dun win also good… Then that will be the end of the MISERY… KNN… Wait later win must come back redo the poster, powerpoint, etc… Tell you… If that happens I really TOTAL BOCHAP, SHUT OFF, TURN OFF MY PHONE, GO HOLIDAY, MISSING, KIDNAP MYSELF, LET MY LAPTOP AND DESKTOP ALL TIO VIRUS… Whatever it is, I will NOT lift a finger… Let them do it themselves… Had enough of all that nonsense… IT”s REALLY ALL CRAP!!!
This is ME!!!
Low Jiun Sian
18th January 1980
Student (NO more)
Digital Video Camera
Digital Camera
Learn Motorbiking
Cannondale Bike
19" LCD Monitor
Tampines Tambis Lair
My CLAN is here... We BlOw people up everynight, subject them to millions of watts of ElEcTrIcItY, play them as if they were AnImAls, also leave them to spin in circles in a ToRnAdO storm and when they fall back onto the ground we treat them IcEcReAm right at their faces... OWNING!!!
Contact ME!!!
ICEKIMO is here!!!
Opened by my Primary School classmate with her boyfriend. Sells HOMEMADE ice-creams with very rich local flavours like Teh Tarik, BanDung and MILO!!!
Guess i have many frens in FOOD INDUSTRY!!! Think i will never die of hunger. If you like GOOD FOOD, NICE AMBIENCE, EXCELLENT WINE... Then INDULGZ on THIS!!!
adopt your own virtual pet! |
What Am I Doing Here...???!!! Again...???!!!