AbOuT mE
Fun loving
Outdoor Person
Does Handicrafts
Minor in Video Editing
Trying Graphic Editing
Loves a good GAME
Enjoy making FRENs
FaVoUrItE lInKs
Kokoro Flash animation Gallery features a series of Flash short stories. There are very touching... The best thing is, they are DOWNLOADABLE!!!
Ninjai, The Little Ninja is our online action/adventure series. We invite you to join Ninjai on his exciting, enlightening and sometimes humorous journey as he travels throughout the Ancient World.
All Smallville Fans out there, this is the site for all of you... Devoted to Smallville site gives You the latest updates on the Smallville story and also is a Forum for you all to post your comments!!! One Site you all shouldn't miss out!!!
Why??? Think i better drive... TAXI uncle SIAM!!!
Friday, March 03, 2006
Worked late last night so want to sleep a bit more. Anyway take cab to TPY only like 20 mins loh... So got wake finally at 7.30am, changed and went to flag a cab... Still tired so never really pay attention to where he driving... When i say never turn to PIE straight, i was thinking maybe he know short cut... Then he turn here turn there, stop here stop there... Reached TPY liao, i thought ok liao... But he dunnoe where the poly is!!! WTF??? Drive into carpark ask for my map, turn here and there also cannot find... CCB, thought can rest my brain b4 work... Got to recall the location and direct him there... KNN, might as well i drive... WASTE time.... 35mins... ZZZ....
So many things, so little time... "Mojave" 12:07 PM
GC got MC, so now i am at JUR... Couldn't stand the white cab, so i call the ever reliable blue cab. So much better... But then hor, later i need to head down to the Internet cafe... Stress... Very far away... My boss finally installed survelliance camera liao... DOT DOT DOT... But i dun care, still play my WOW... Dun think she see the replay one also so who cares... You dun let me play, i will just sleep one loh... So boring at times... Surf net also sianzzz... But cannot PVP, sigh... Think going to tio Stone guard for some time liao... My character still Buggy...The Stupid GMs really cannot make it one... They solve problem machiam like just sent you default email... i read also give up... Think that i am a noob huh, offer noob solutions... Already tried those method umpteen times liao loh... Be more on the ball leh... Go look into the account and really FIX the bug or watever loh...
Was listening to 933 just now in the afternoon, 玛骊 was telling a tale about a train... Hit me a bit... Realised that the world will not stop for anyone... It still revolves round and round every minute... Even if we do nothing at all, things will change... So we have to make use of all the time we have and do the things we want, and not start to regret when our time is up and we achieved nothing. Sometimes we can get a second chance, but they are always hard to come by.
Dozing off again... Still got to do En and Ke's video... The working shifts are really draining all my energy... Think i got to use my sunday to cut some clips... Otherwise can't make the dateline... First time doing wedding video, got to make it nice... Stressed... =X My computer i think the CPU life is almost up too... Getting spikes of full processor usage now and then, slows the com down, causing lag... Got to get another com soon i guess... My phone still stuck with Nokia... They say whole Singapore Service centre no parts liao... GG... Asked them to search the factory for me... Hope can get... Otherwise i really have BIG headache...
Taking too long to post this entry... Gets kind of bored working in the cafe with nothing to do... You tend to write a longblog entry and make use of the `wasted' time here... Very hard to hold certain principles in my tx methods when you can't seem to get the other party to understand ur point. Haiz... Did the most FREAKING SIONG S&P and then exo 2 teeth which i felt can be saved... WTF... So difficult to break people's mentality that pain = exo... Wasted my 4 and a half years of shit in dental school to just do exo for that... Wat happened to prevention? 20+ teeth, only got GREAT WALL OF CHINA, then tell me want to take them ALL out and make F/F??? WTF... ZZzzZZzz...
Organise BBQ... =X Only 3 participants... LOL... Think i go check things out first then decide... Might end up eat steamboat buffet loh, all the things are prepared... No need me to bother... Imagine to book a BBQ pit for 3 person, buy the food and go there cook... LOL... Steamboat buffet easier... I very lazy one... =P
Hi, ##NAME##, I was hunting for Digital Camera Ratings information when I found your blog. I reckon that's pretty cool. It takes effort to do what you've done. See you again. Rex ##LINK##.
This is ME!!!
Low Jiun Sian
18th January 1980
Student (NO more)
Digital Video Camera
Digital Camera
Learn Motorbiking
Cannondale Bike
19" LCD Monitor
Tampines Tambis Lair
My CLAN is here... We BlOw people up everynight, subject them to millions of watts of ElEcTrIcItY, play them as if they were AnImAls, also leave them to spin in circles in a ToRnAdO storm and when they fall back onto the ground we treat them IcEcReAm right at their faces... OWNING!!!
Contact ME!!!
ICEKIMO is here!!!
Opened by my Primary School classmate with her boyfriend. Sells HOMEMADE ice-creams with very rich local flavours like Teh Tarik, BanDung and MILO!!!
Guess i have many frens in FOOD INDUSTRY!!! Think i will never die of hunger. If you like GOOD FOOD, NICE AMBIENCE, EXCELLENT WINE... Then INDULGZ on THIS!!!
adopt your own virtual pet! |
What Am I Doing Here...???!!! Again...???!!!