AbOuT mE
Fun loving
Outdoor Person
Does Handicrafts
Minor in Video Editing
Trying Graphic Editing
Loves a good GAME
Enjoy making FRENs
FaVoUrItE lInKs
Kokoro Flash animation Gallery features a series of Flash short stories. There are very touching... The best thing is, they are DOWNLOADABLE!!!
Ninjai, The Little Ninja is our online action/adventure series. We invite you to join Ninjai on his exciting, enlightening and sometimes humorous journey as he travels throughout the Ancient World.
All Smallville Fans out there, this is the site for all of you... Devoted to Smallville site gives You the latest updates on the Smallville story and also is a Forum for you all to post your comments!!! One Site you all shouldn't miss out!!!
Thursday, July 17, 2008
其实,没写blog的这段时间,我脑海里想了许多事。 不知道为什么去想,而且,想来想去, 还是想不通。每晚,几乎睡不到几个小时。 在床上翻来翻去,就是睡不着。我成经以为所做的,都是对的。只要用心,哪怕铁棒也能磨成针。=)还记得,小时候,老师又教过。现在想起来,我看,这只能形容铁棒吧。
So many things, so little time... "Mojave" 4:20 PM
好多事,永远都不在我们掌控之中。尤其,是关于人的事。有些人, 你对他好,他反而会头咬你一口。 但有些,只是在那不领情。对他坏一点,就显得满脸的不满意。=X 所谓,人心难测。(我用词妥当吗?)
看了一部连续剧,戏里的故事就好像我所经历的。好像在看自己的人生一样。故事的结果,不是很愉快。我的故事,结局会如戏里的一样吗?所有发生的事,是命中注定,还是人为的呢?听过蝴蝶效应吗?“一只蝴蝶在这拍一拍翅膀,可以使到另一边挂起台风。” 我们现在所做的点点滴滴,会累积而影响到以后将会发生的事情。所以,我们每天所做的选择和决定,无论大或小,都是在漫漫地打造着人生的终点。每个人都有渴望的终点,都会努力向目标前进。但会有谁能保证,所做的一切小小的事情,不是令目标变得更遥远?
This is ME!!!
Low Jiun Sian
18th January 1980
Student (NO more)
Digital Video Camera
Digital Camera
Learn Motorbiking
Cannondale Bike
19" LCD Monitor
Tampines Tambis Lair
My CLAN is here... We BlOw people up everynight, subject them to millions of watts of ElEcTrIcItY, play them as if they were AnImAls, also leave them to spin in circles in a ToRnAdO storm and when they fall back onto the ground we treat them IcEcReAm right at their faces... OWNING!!!
Contact ME!!!
ICEKIMO is here!!!
Opened by my Primary School classmate with her boyfriend. Sells HOMEMADE ice-creams with very rich local flavours like Teh Tarik, BanDung and MILO!!!
Guess i have many frens in FOOD INDUSTRY!!! Think i will never die of hunger. If you like GOOD FOOD, NICE AMBIENCE, EXCELLENT WINE... Then INDULGZ on THIS!!!
adopt your own virtual pet! |
What Am I Doing Here...???!!! Again...???!!!