AbOuT mE
Fun loving
Outdoor Person
Does Handicrafts
Minor in Video Editing
Trying Graphic Editing
Loves a good GAME
Enjoy making FRENs
FaVoUrItE lInKs
Kokoro Flash animation Gallery features a series of Flash short stories. There are very touching... The best thing is, they are DOWNLOADABLE!!!
Ninjai, The Little Ninja is our online action/adventure series. We invite you to join Ninjai on his exciting, enlightening and sometimes humorous journey as he travels throughout the Ancient World.
All Smallville Fans out there, this is the site for all of you... Devoted to Smallville site gives You the latest updates on the Smallville story and also is a Forum for you all to post your comments!!! One Site you all shouldn't miss out!!!
Choices... Easy to have, difficult to decide...
Monday, December 14, 2009
My contract is almost up. Already packed my table. Nothing much is left back at the office. Well, only the happy memories and moments that I shared with all my colleagues there. Kind of sad to leave that place. But life being so cruel, many things cannot be helped. Already talked with my new boss, terms and conditions already confirmed. Going to sign the new contract soon. A new phrase in my life is going to begin soon. Am I ready for it? I don’t know, but I guess life is never easy. So we shall take things as it comes, 见招拆招。
So many things, so little time... "Mojave" 12:59 AM
My 精神粮食 at home is giving way. Ya. Is this computer that I am using now. Think it is reaching it’s limit. Got to get myself another computer soon. Was thinking between a similar desktop or iMac. Hmmm… Well, I am still considering my options and limits. Unless someone want to get one for me instead… Any takers??? LOL… I think I better get this done by myself. My requirements pretty ridiculous one… Hehe…
Going back to my old office tomolo, well, should be today according to the time now. Still got 2 weeks to go before I can throw in my towel. Been a long while since I last touched my office equipment. Hope I can still remember what to do later… LOL… Eh, my office is where ah??? How to get there tomolo???... LOL…
This is ME!!!
Low Jiun Sian
18th January 1980
Student (NO more)
Digital Video Camera
Digital Camera
Learn Motorbiking
Cannondale Bike
19" LCD Monitor
Tampines Tambis Lair
My CLAN is here... We BlOw people up everynight, subject them to millions of watts of ElEcTrIcItY, play them as if they were AnImAls, also leave them to spin in circles in a ToRnAdO storm and when they fall back onto the ground we treat them IcEcReAm right at their faces... OWNING!!!
Contact ME!!!
ICEKIMO is here!!!
Opened by my Primary School classmate with her boyfriend. Sells HOMEMADE ice-creams with very rich local flavours like Teh Tarik, BanDung and MILO!!!
Guess i have many frens in FOOD INDUSTRY!!! Think i will never die of hunger. If you like GOOD FOOD, NICE AMBIENCE, EXCELLENT WINE... Then INDULGZ on THIS!!!
adopt your own virtual pet! |
What Am I Doing Here...???!!! Again...???!!!