AbOuT mE
Fun loving
Outdoor Person
Does Handicrafts
Minor in Video Editing
Trying Graphic Editing
Loves a good GAME
Enjoy making FRENs
FaVoUrItE lInKs
Kokoro Flash animation Gallery features a series of Flash short stories. There are very touching... The best thing is, they are DOWNLOADABLE!!!
Ninjai, The Little Ninja is our online action/adventure series. We invite you to join Ninjai on his exciting, enlightening and sometimes humorous journey as he travels throughout the Ancient World.
All Smallville Fans out there, this is the site for all of you... Devoted to Smallville site gives You the latest updates on the Smallville story and also is a Forum for you all to post your comments!!! One Site you all shouldn't miss out!!!
Pedestrians be careful, GAP ahead!!!
Saturday, June 19, 2010
以经好久没这样了. 脑海里常浮现那画面. 压抑了好久好久,还以为可以把它埋在心里最深处. 可是还是让它溜了出来. 常怀疑老天,是不是故意捉弄我. 看见我那痛苦的样子,对他来说很有娱乐性吗?玩笑开太大了,不好笑了。但说起来,我也希望着一切都是个玩笑。因为玩笑开完,笑完,一切就回到原点。就可以从新开始经历新的事务。而我现在,就卡在路旁。往前也不是,往后也不是。只是站在那一方,望着来往的人群和事,只能羡慕他人。我也不是在埋怨什么,只是不知如何是好。 Now lets see… What am I going to write about? Well, basically I am slacking at work coz I dun have much planned for the day. Just rotting here waiting for time to pass… Very tired theses days, but then can’t sleep at night… Still stay up till the wee hours before laying myself onto the bed. Come to think of it, I was not doing anything significant during that period, could have gone to Dreamland at 10pm which I always delay till 2am. Too many thoughts, all of which are pointless, But the mind makes it a point to ponder over pointless thoughts more often as compared to other more relevant and useful ideas. This is termed as the Negative mentality. Put this post on hold for some time… Busy with work? I guess mostly is can’t be bothered. I am already able to clear off one ‘big stone’ from my list now. Kind of relieved, but then I maybe embarking on a new goal to add one other ‘big stone’ back to the list. Already slowing down my pace, now is if can then get, if cannot then dun get. The ‘can’t be bothered’ mentality now. Went to watch movie with ‘Minne Mouse’. Kind of nice to have company once in a while. She is a nice person to be with. Been going to too many KTV sessions, until now getting phobia. I am still a movie person. =) If not for the gap…
So many things, so little time... "Mojave" 2:25 PM
This is ME!!!
Low Jiun Sian
18th January 1980
Student (NO more)
Digital Video Camera
Digital Camera
Learn Motorbiking
Cannondale Bike
19" LCD Monitor
Tampines Tambis Lair
My CLAN is here... We BlOw people up everynight, subject them to millions of watts of ElEcTrIcItY, play them as if they were AnImAls, also leave them to spin in circles in a ToRnAdO storm and when they fall back onto the ground we treat them IcEcReAm right at their faces... OWNING!!!
Contact ME!!!
ICEKIMO is here!!!
Opened by my Primary School classmate with her boyfriend. Sells HOMEMADE ice-creams with very rich local flavours like Teh Tarik, BanDung and MILO!!!
Guess i have many frens in FOOD INDUSTRY!!! Think i will never die of hunger. If you like GOOD FOOD, NICE AMBIENCE, EXCELLENT WINE... Then INDULGZ on THIS!!!
adopt your own virtual pet! |
What Am I Doing Here...???!!! Again...???!!!